FARSEEING present at MobEx

This years MobEx meeting (MobEx 16) was hosted by the University of Manchester and welcomed delegates from across Europe and further a field!

MobEx delegates

FARSEEING Partners presented their work with an update being provided on project progress by Prof. Lorenzo Chiari: ‘FARSEEING: learning from falls how to prevent falls’ and a presentation given by Christopher Moufawad el Achkar from EPFL about work related to WP7: ‘Smart-shoe design for physical activity monitoring: preliminary study of optimal sensor configuration’.

MobEx Programme



Posters related to the FARSEEING project were also presented by Pierpaolo Palumbo (University of Bologna): ‘ROC curves for fall risk estimation tools’ and Dr Alan Bourke (EPFL): ‘Design of an in-home virtual reality complex intervention system to help improve balance and postural control in independent living elderly to reduce fall risk.’


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