FARSEEING partners were invited to attend the ProFound kick off meeting as associate members on the 25th and 26th March in Manchester. The Partners discussed the FARSEEING project and how they felt it complemented the new ProFound thematic network.
The Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination (ProFouND) is an European Commission, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, funded thematic network working with the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing to bring about the dissemination and implementation of best practice in falls prevention across Europe.
ProFouND comprises 21 partners from 12 countries, with associate members from 10 countries. ProFouND aims to influence policy to increase awareness of falls and innovative prevention programmes amongst health and social care authorities, the commercial sector, NGOs and the general public in order to disseminate the work of the network to target groups across EU.
Specifically ProFouND’s objective is to embed evidence based fall prevention programmes for elderly people at risk of falls by using novel ICT and effective training programmes in at least 10 countries/15 regions by 2015 to facilitate widespread implementation. Further information will be available shortly on the ProFouND website at www.profound.eu.com or for more information now please contact FARSEEING partner and ProFouND co-ordinator Prof. Chris Todd at .
FARSEEING will also be linking in with the E-NO Falls project who are also working closely with ProFouND. This project is funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community.
E-NO FALLS is a thematic network and a forum for all stakeholders to share knowledge, expertise, resources, best practice experiences and to build consensus to highlight the remaining obstacles to be overcome and to eventually provide guidance for ICT-enabled solutions and their roll-out.
The main goal of E-NO FALLS thematic network is to integrate and bring together knowledge, experiences and best practices acquired at European and international level in the area of fall prevention, intervention and safety, with the aim of coordinating ongoing activities and creating the necessary conditions and consensus on action plans, standards and specifications in view to ensure the widest future replication and co-deployment of innovative solutions (with special emphasis on ICT-based ones). For more information about E-NO FALLS please go to http://www.e-nofalls.eu/project.
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