Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is responsible for the work package leadership for WP5, telemedicine service models, with particular competence in clinical aspects of assessing fall risk, falls and exercise guidance, as well as competence in storing, communicating, and security and protection of health‐related data and in development of user‐friendly interfaces. In WP5 NTNU is responsible for data security and developing user inter‐faces. NTNU will also contribute to, and coordinate input from WP2, WP6, WP7 and WP8 and in collecting data on high clinical monitoring in the high‐risk sample.

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) was created in 1910. The University houses 20,000 students, half of them studying technology‐related subjects or the natural sciences. Medical Technology is one areas of priority. 48% of the students are female. NTNU produces annually 300 PhD degrees and hosts 850 international students, and participates in 60 EC project under the 6th and 7th framework programmes. NTNU has close cooperation with SINTEF, an R&D organization with 1800 employees, and which is co‐located with NTNU. The work in the FARSEEING project is performed by the Research Group on Geriatrics (RGG) and The Norwegian Centre for Electronic health records research (NSEP) at the Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with the Human Motor Control Research Network (HMC) under NTNU’s Medical Technology platform, and the Department of Human Movement Science. The Department of Neuroscience has well‐equipped movement laboratories and highly competent staff regarding movement disorders, use of body worn sensors, and assessment of physical activity and falls prevention in older persons. NSEP is a multidisciplinary research centre and the university program for health informatics at NTNU. The research is centred on the processing of information and communication tasks in healthcare practice, education and research, and in the development and use of technologies to support these tasks. NSEP aims at developing and conducting research on workflow support, access control / information security, secondary use of healthcare data, electronic collaboration between healthcare professionals and institutions and patient‐centred information systems. Department of Human Movement Science is the only department in Norway with particular focus on motor control in humans. Research focuses on motor control across the lifespan in both healthy and clinical populations, and on the link between physical activity, health, and performance. The Department has 3 well‐equipped movement laboratories.

Professor Jorunn L Helbostad
Professor Olav Sletvold
Professor Arild Faxvaag
Ather Nawaz, Postoc reseracher