Professor Wiebren Zijlstra


Wiebren Zijlstra is Professor at the Institute of Movement and Sports Gerontology at the German Sport University, Cologne (DSHS). Previously he was Associate Professor at the CHMS of the University of Groningen (UMCG). After graduating in human movement sciences, he received his PhD degree at the Medical Faculty of the University of Groningen (RUG) in 1997.  His current research specifically focuses on changes in physical activity and mobility‐related activities with ageing and age‐related pathology. Main ingredients of his research activities are the development and evaluation of interventions which aim to support or improve mobility in specific groups of older people, and the use of body‐fixed‐sensors for studying human motor functioning in a natural environment. His work is carried out in co-operation with (inter)national partners. In recent years, he was a work package leader in the EC financed projects ProFaNE (2003‐2007) and SENSACTION‐AAL (2007‐2009). He has published more than 50 papers in peer reviewed journals, and additional publications in books and non-reviewed journals. He is member of the editorial board of Gait & Posture and a regular reviewer for other scientific journals and international research organisations.