FARSEEING’s Professor Lorenzo Chiari and Dr Clemens Becker respond in a commentary in the Lancet to a recent article by Robinovitch and colleagues, they discuss what videos can tell us about falling and the role that FARSEEING has to play.
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The latest information from the FARSEEING project
Showcase of FARSEEING technology at dissemination event
FARSEEING technnology will be presented at a local event in Italy. Short multimedia content will be presented to the public to facilitate feedback and discussion about potential and current prototypes we have developed to support older adults in their own homes.
BTicino talk about their role in FARSEEING
BTicino talk about their role in FARSEEING on their international community forum.
The key is in your pocket? The smartphone and FARSEEING
Sabato Mellone talks about the use of the smartphone within the FARSEEING project.