The White Paper on the interim results of the FARSEEING project has now been released. The white paper presents a series of issues which the FARSEEING project aims to tackle and then provides the recommended solutions for these issues, if available, or the work that has been done so far by the project to respond to each […]
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Virtual reality, gaming systems and physical activity
Systematic review of the use of virtual reality and gaming systems to increase physical activity, published in Age and Ageing. Read the abstract here:
FARSEEING at MobEx 2014 Cologne
The work of the FARSEEING partners was presented at the MobEx (Mobility and Exercise) meeting on 17th and 18th January in Cologne. The meeting was hosted by the Deutsche Sporthochschule (DSHS) Köln, at the Institute of Sport Gerontology. Presentations were given by researchers from DSHS, EPFL, NTNU, RBMF, the University of Bologna and the University […]
FARSEEING project members publish review of body worn sensors
A review of body worn fall detection sensors recently published by members of the FARSEEING project is now available. This article identifies the main drawbacks associated with previous research in this area and recommends future courses of action.