FARSEEING partners were invited to attend the ProFound kick off meeting as associate members on the 25th and 26th March in Manchester. The Partners discussed the FARSEEING project and how they felt it complemented the new ProFound thematic network.
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FARSEEING WP6 meeting in Stuttgart
On the 22nd and 23rd April a WP6 work-package meeting is being held in Stuttgart.
Welcome to our latest FARSEEING update and come back and take a look around our ‘new look’ site! FARSEEING partners recently presented some of their latest work on the project at the MobEx meeting in Manchester in January. http://farseeingresearch.eu/2013/01/22/farseeing-present-at-mobex/ FARSEEING partners begin to publish their work from WP6. http://farseeingresearch.eu/2012/11/30/proposal-for-a-multiphase-fall-model-based-on-real-world-fall-recordings-with-body-fixed-sensors/ Further work is developed for WP7, […]
Further information on FARSEEING
This leaflet provides additional information on the FARSEEING project and is available to download. FARSEEING Leaflet – Pdf