Members of the FARSEEING consortium presented our work at the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) annual meeting from 29th June to 3rd July 2014.
Details of the symposiums, presentations and posters are provided.
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FARSEEING present at ISPGR 2014

Fragility Fracture Network launch new website
Now online — the new and significantly improved FFN website. Follow the links for the website and the latest newsletter.

Designing Smart Home Technology for Fall Prevention in Older People
Ather Nawaz from NTNU presented a FARSEEING poster at HCI international 2014 in Crete, Greece on 27th June 2014. The study reported the assessment of a prototype of a smart house interface.
Conferences, meetings and events attended by FARSEEING partners
FARSEEING partners are keen to spread the word about our research and attend as many scientific and public events and meetings as we can.
In 2013, we attended the following meetings and events: