Tag Archives | news

Dr Helen Hawley-Hague presents on motivating older adults to take-up and maintain exercise and the delivery of evidence based strength and balance programmes

Dr Helen Hawley-Hague presents at the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, Vancouver about promoting older adults uptake and adherence to exercise classes and the delivery of evidence based strength and balance programmes. She also talks about her new NIHR Fellowship study which will be using FARSEEING Smartphone technology! To see a video of her presentation […]

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FARSEEING receive an ‘excellent’ rating for the project at the final review meeting

The FARSEEING project received an excellent rating by the EC at the final review meeting on the 20th May, 2015. Although the funding for the project has now come to an end, our products and results from the project are still available. Please see our newsletter for further information! We will be attending a range of conferences […]

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Upcoming Presentations of FARSEEING Results

Over the next few months, FARSEEING Partners will be presenting project results at a variety of different conferences. On 18th May, Professor Lorenzo Chiari will present ‘Sense and sensibility: smartphones and wearable technologies to support seniors.” at the 12th Web for All conference in Florence. http://www.w4a.info/2015/   The International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical […]

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FARSEEING presents its results at the jointly hosted European Union Falls Festival

The achievements of the FARSEEING project were presented and celebrated at the first European Union. Falls Festival (EUFF), held at the Robert Bosch Krankenhaus, in Stuttgart on the 24th and 25th March 2015. The EUFF was organised by the FARSEEING project, in partnership with the ProFouND thematic network and was sponsored by E-NO FALLS, WIISEL […]

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