FARSEEING partners were invited to attend the ProFound kick off meeting as associate members on the 25th and 26th March in Manchester. The Partners discussed the FARSEEING project and how they felt it complemented the new ProFound thematic network.
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Effects of remote feedback in home-based physical activity interventions for older adults: A systematic review
Farseeing partners from the German Sport University Cologne publish an interesting paper on the effects of remote feedback on physical activity.
Quasi real-time foot trajectory measurement and projection.
As part of work for WP7, Dr Alan Bourke and colleagues at EPFL are developing the measurement of foot trajectory using sensors.
FARSEEING takes part in the European Year for Active Ageing
Work carried out as part of the FARSEEING project contributes towards the European Year for Active Ageing. For further information please follow the link: http://europa.eu/ey2012/ey2012main.jsp?catId=975&langId=en&mode=initDetail&initiativeId=654&initLangId=en For further information about the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012 and initatives which promote active ageing, please go to: http://europa.eu/ey2012/